Sunday, November 21, 2010

o pão ou a monografia de cada dia

"Lo nuevo se hace comodo al hacerse familiar, puesto que se considera que ha evolucionado gradualmente de las formas del pasado".

aprendi com Rosalind Krauss.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

docinho de cenoura

sempre gostei de fazer doces.
quando eu era mais nova, à época das festas americanas e dos primeiros beijos, a regra era clara: meninas levam comida, meninos levam refrigerante.
por mais absurdo que isso pudesse parecer, havia um acordo silencioso entre as partes, e funcionava.

bom, eu fiquei famosa pelos docinhos de cenoura. a gente fazia aqui em casa e acabou virando tradição. e é uma delícia mesmo, mal se sente o gosto da cenoura, o que fica é uma textura legal e aquela cor divertida. É só substituir o chocolate pela cenoura!

ps: hoje eu fiz o brigadeiro normal e misturei a cenoura junto. ficou diferente e gostoso.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Clara Sampaio: "I connected Blogger to my page -"

ch-ch-ch-check it out!


Friday, November 12, 2010


Something in the way he moves attracts me like no other lover. Could that be the song playing on her head?

Instead there was silence. In and out.

She looked at the mirror and sighed. The make up was good. She suddenly started feeling her hair was sending wrong messages away. She looked old. She was all dressed up. All dressep up and no one would see it.

It’s a trap – she thought – a very well planned trap.

It felt like she lost control of her own life. Those conversations wore her down. She wanted to feel alive once again, that’s why the make up and everything. She left the toilet, pushed the clothes away, so she could sit on the bed.

All for nothing, she concluded.

